I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't please go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/ POTATO ViVi: 七夕の飾り、紙芝居


I moved!!! I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't plase go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/



Raining again today! Ever since we started the [Potato] - Let's Play Together - Parent and Child session, it has been raining... raining.... raining..... Despite the rain, 4 groups attended the play session today. A new friend from Denmark joined us for the first time. She had a hard time finding the place (the taxi driver could not find the place) but managed to make it in the end. For today, we used colored papers and made stars, drew faces on the stars and threaded a ribbon through it. In Japan, on July 7th, Japanese will make decorations, write their wish on the decorations and hang it on a bamboo stalk in their house. After everyone has completed the craft, we had a picture story telling session. The kids enjoyed the story about the Cat and the Moon. What a coincidence! One of the mother that attended actually borrowed the same picture story from the library and is reading it at her home. As usual, we read some English story books and danced and sang to the Hokey Pokey song and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes song. Next Thursday, if weather permits, we will have an excursion to the nearby Kids Community Center (Tomuro Jidoukan). Do come and join us. We will be waiting.

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