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シミ Autumn is here

お母さんからの質問で、簡単なシミの落とし方がありました。幼稚園のトレーニングウェアーはなぜあのように白いのか? だいたい白いウェアーは洗濯が大変です。制服であればしょうがないので日本人の親はせっせっと漂白したりこすったりしてシミを落とします。基本的には洗ってあればシミがあってもいいのにシミ一つなく落とすのは日本人の特徴なのではないでしょうか。清水公園で二人の子供とファミリーサポートの人に会いました。お母さんは日本語が不自由だそうです。そのような人のためにポテトがありぜひ勇気を持ってポテトに来てください。大歓迎です。お散歩の途中、ねこじゃらしを見つけ韓国ではいぬのしっぽと教えてもらいました。来週は動物の折り紙です。来てください。
Autumn is here. The breeze is cool. The air is dry. It is a nice day for a stroll. Where did we go today? One of the mother is unsure what to use to remove stains on kids clothes. So our first destination is to drop by the nearby drug store to get the stain remover. Next destination is the Tomuro Kids Community Center. As the weather is nice, the kids played outside. Then off to the Shimizu park. The kids played bubbles there and there are supposedly acorns at the park but searching with all my might, only one was found. At the park, we met 2 new friends from Argentina. A baby sitter is looking after them at the moment as their mother needs to be with their brother at the hospital. We told them about the POTATO play group so hopefully they will join us next time. It is nice to stroll outside with the kids and as we stroll along, the kids picked flowers, stones and looked at the vegetables growing at the small vegetable plot. Next week, it is origami time at room 403. Come and join us.

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