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Hand and Foot Stamping

Using different color stamp pads, the kids had a nice time imprinting their hand and foot prints on colored papers. As some of the kids hands and feet are quite large, we need to use 2 different papers, one for the hands and one for the feet. There was a baby and he could fit both his hand and foot prints on one sheet of paper. The kids also made flowers and butterflies with their finger prints and decorated their paper with crayons and colored papers. Lastly the kids wrote their name and today's date. One mother suggested laminating the prints so that it can be used as a place mat and that is what we did. As usual, we have story telling in English and dancing to English songs. Next week, we will be taking photos of the POTATO group members and making a photo frame. We will also be having a farewell for the kids that will be going to kindergarten starting April and those that will be moving back to their country. Do come and join us. We will be waiting.


ペープサートを作りました Puppet Play

ペープサートを作りました。取っ手は安全を考えて紙を丸めて使いました。裏と表に思い思いのキャラクターを書いて色を塗りました。アンパンマンやバイキンマンやドキンちゃんやトーマスなどを自由に書きました。そして裏と表を使って短いお話を作ったり、カードのように使ってゲームもしました。本は‘こねこがにゃあ’と‘ハンバーグーチョキパー’と英語の本‘Thomas and the weather'と'Wacky Weekend'を読みました。座っているのは我慢できないぐらい楽しそうでした。最後に15分ぐらい英語の歌にあわせてダンスをしました。元気にはねるのが大好きな子どもたちです。来週は手形足形を採ります。来てください。


Puppet play today. The kids are each given a blank puppet and the kids drew different types of picture on their puppet. There are Anpanman, Baikinman, Garfield, Thomas amongst others. After the puppets are completed, the kids made up their own stories using their puppets. They seemed to enjoy themselves a lot. As usual, we read some Japanese and English story books and sang and danced to English songs. Next week, we will be doing hand and foot prints. Come and join us.

Note: Atsugi city will be holding an Atsugi Peace International Festival 2009 this Sunday, 15th March. The place will be at Atsugishi Bunka Kaikan from 1:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Let's go together.


Stroll to Tomuro Kids Community Center

The weather has been cold and wet recently but we are blessed with fine sunny weather today. Our stroll to the Tomuro Kids Community Center is on. The mother that joined POTATO play group today is introduced to the Kids Community Center which is open in the morning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for small kids to play. The Kids Community Center helper was very helpful and passed us a book to tell us where is the nearest kids community center for Hase area which is where the POTATO play group mother lives. There was a poster about the library giving out 2 free books to babies and she was also told about that too. The mother used her electronic dictionary and interacted with the other Japanese mothers there and her baby played with other Japanese kids too. There was one boy who was very friendly and kept asking how old the baby is and said that he is 3 years old. A nice outing. Next week we will be playing with puppets at POTATO play group. Come and join us.

Atsugi International Peace Festival 2009

Did you know that there are about 6,100 foreigners from 74 different countries living in Atusgi itself? Through communication, we should learn more about the different cultures from different countries. To facilitate this, Atsugi City will be holding an International Peace Festival next Sunday.

Date: 15th March 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 1:00 ~ 4:30 p.m.
Venue: Atsugi Bunka Kaikan (Small Hall, Exhibition Hall)
Small Hall (1:00 ~ 2:00)
-Speech in Japanese by foreigners
-Stage performances
Exhibition Hall (3:00 ~ 4:30)
-Communication stage
-Let's make friends with people from all over the world.
-Exhibition corner
-Enjoy food and tea from different countries.

For more information contact 046-225 2050