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Stroll to Tomuro Kids Community Center

The weather has been cold and wet recently but we are blessed with fine sunny weather today. Our stroll to the Tomuro Kids Community Center is on. The mother that joined POTATO play group today is introduced to the Kids Community Center which is open in the morning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for small kids to play. The Kids Community Center helper was very helpful and passed us a book to tell us where is the nearest kids community center for Hase area which is where the POTATO play group mother lives. There was a poster about the library giving out 2 free books to babies and she was also told about that too. The mother used her electronic dictionary and interacted with the other Japanese mothers there and her baby played with other Japanese kids too. There was one boy who was very friendly and kept asking how old the baby is and said that he is 3 years old. A nice outing. Next week we will be playing with puppets at POTATO play group. Come and join us.

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