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リズム遊び Let's Sing

今日はリズム遊びの日なのでみんなでたくさん歌い、踊りました。遊びに来てくれたお友達はまだ一歳くらいなので手遊びを中心にやりました。好きな楽器を持って楽しく踊ります。お母さん達とは七夕の歌を、意味を解説しながら覚えてもらいました。みんな歌の意味を知り納得してました。子ども達は歌ったり踊ったりすることがとても大好きなので家族みんなでやってもらえたら嬉しいです。次回は七夕飾りを作ります。七月から天気のいい日には水遊びもしますので、入れるときにはお子さんの水着やタオルを持参して下さい。7月10日(金) 11:00~2:00まで 403号室で一品持ち寄りパーティをします。何か食べるものを一品お持ちください。お菓子でもおかずでも果物でも何でもいいです。待ってます。
Kids love music. So do adults. Tambourines, castanets and bells. Using these musical instruments, we sang and played together. Japanese celebrate the Star Festival on July 7th so for today we sang the Star Festival song in Japanese and also If You're Happy song in English. As usual, we have story telling and dancing and singing in English. Also today, one of the kids turned one so we gave her a birthday medal. On July 10th, from 11 am to 2 pm, there will be a Pot Luck Party at room 403 with the Japanese class teachers. All POTATO members are invited. Bring a dish and come. From next week onwards, if weather permits, we will play at the pool. Bring along your swim suit and a towel. Do come and join us.


Emergency Medical Care

If someone in your family is sick during night time, weekends or public holiday, do you know where to go? In Atsugi, there is a Medical Center that is open during the weekends and night time for emergency.

Address: Mizuhiki 1-16-45, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan
Telephone: 046-297-5199
Opening times:
Monday - Friday 19:00 - 21:30
Saturday 18:00 - 21:30
Sundays, Public Holiday 9:00 - 11:30, 14:00 - 16:30, 18:00 - 21:30

For more information, refer to the link below
Atsugi Emergency Medical Care



It's cloudy and chilly today. Is it going to rain? Is it not going to rain? Gloomy weather today. POTATO play group was going to take a stroll to the park, play with bubbles there and stop by the Tomuro Kids Community Center. However, sad to say, no participants came today. Hopefully the weather will be bright and sunny next week. For next week, we will have a 'Let's Sing Together' session. Do come and join us. We will be waiting.

By the way, do you know what is a Kids Community Center? It is a place that mothers with young kids can gather and play in the morning. Various toys and books are available. The opening time and location of the Kids Community Center nearest to your home can be found at the link below. For Tomuro Kids Community Center, it is open from Monday to Friday from 10 am - 12 pm for small kids.
Atsugi Kids Community Center for Young Kids Information


紙でアジサイ作り Hydrangea in Full Bloom


Hydrangea is in season. If you take a stroll in Atsugi, you will notice the hydrangea flower blooming. The craft that we prepared today is Hydrangea Craft. For the kids, they will tear colored papers and stick on a round circle to make the hydrangea flower and for the mothers, hydrangea origami in various colors. However sad to say, probably due to the rain, no one came. For next week, we will be taking a stroll to the kids community center and park. If it is raining, we will play in room 403. Do come and join us.


ぱっちんかえる Jumping Frogs


Today, we made jumping frogs and "Teru Teru Bozu" which is a doll to hang out when you want to wish for good weather. In Japan, the rainy season is usually around mid June. When you want to go out and hope for good weather, Japanese will make the "Teru Teru Bozu" doll and hang it out on the window and there is also a song to sing with it. Using tissue paper, colored paper, rubber band and yarn, we made the "Teru Teru Bozu" doll. The face is drawn using markers. As for the jumping frog craft, it was a great hit with the kids. Using hard card board taped together in the middle with cellophane tape and binded with a rubber band, the frog can jump up really high. It was really fun. As for the kids creation, they ended up with jumping rabbits, jumping butterflies and all sorts of designs. As usual, we have story book time in English and Japanese and also dancing and singing to English songs. Next week, we will be making hydrangea flower craft. Do come and join us. We will be waiting.