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ぱっちんかえる Jumping Frogs


Today, we made jumping frogs and "Teru Teru Bozu" which is a doll to hang out when you want to wish for good weather. In Japan, the rainy season is usually around mid June. When you want to go out and hope for good weather, Japanese will make the "Teru Teru Bozu" doll and hang it out on the window and there is also a song to sing with it. Using tissue paper, colored paper, rubber band and yarn, we made the "Teru Teru Bozu" doll. The face is drawn using markers. As for the jumping frog craft, it was a great hit with the kids. Using hard card board taped together in the middle with cellophane tape and binded with a rubber band, the frog can jump up really high. It was really fun. As for the kids creation, they ended up with jumping rabbits, jumping butterflies and all sorts of designs. As usual, we have story book time in English and Japanese and also dancing and singing to English songs. Next week, we will be making hydrangea flower craft. Do come and join us. We will be waiting.

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