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Learning Japanese and Life in Japan Handbook

Published by Agency of cultural affairs, this book contains basic information for foreigners living in Japan, as well as useful expressions in Japanese. This hand book is available in 5 languages and distributed at foreign registration counters at city hall or ward office and also can be viewed online.

"Handbook of Learning Japanese and Life in Japan"

If your family members or friends would like to receive INFO KANAGAWA (information for foreigners in Kanagawa), send an e-mail to infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp
Please specify the language in which you want to receive the bulletin.


ボディペインティング&パネルシアター Body Painting and Story Telling


Sunny and warm today. Body painting is on. Naked except for short pants, the kids painted themselves. Initially they were wary but later, they ran around with the paint brush and painted each other. Backs, feet, body and hands. After painting, they played with potato starch mixed with water. The potato starch became like clay and the kids ran their fingers through it and made shapes out of it. Then a quick shower to wash away the paint and dipping in the pool. Today will be the last day of pool for this year as the weather is getting cooler. Next we proceed up to room 403 and had story telling with pictures on a felt board. The older kids helped to place the pictures for the story. After the story telling is over, the younger kids also took turns to place the pictures on the board. As usual story telling and singing in English. Next week, our craft will be parachute making. Come and join us.


野菜スタンプ Vegetable Stamping


Cloudy today but it's not raining. Pool is on. For crafts today, vegetable stamping. Lady fingers, bitter gourd, carved out potatoes and green peppers. You can see all the little artists at work. You get not only beautifully decorated papers but also decorated hands, hair and clothes. The kids had lots of fun. After that, story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing in English. POTATO play group will not be on for the next 2 weeks. Next POTATO gathering will be on 27th of August. We will be doing body painting on that day if weather permits before pool time so bring an old pair of underwear. See you on August 27th.