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お店やさんごっこ Shopping


Nice autumn weather today. Let‘s go shopping. There is a cake shop, fruits stall, vegetables stall and fish stall. By playing shopping, you can teach the kids the name of the vegetables, cakes, fruits, etc. You can also teach the kids about numbers from the money that they use to buy the things. Kids always watch the parents go shopping and it would be fun for them to go shopping. However sad to say, no one turned up today. We can do it again another day. For next week, we will be playing with clay. Come and join us. We will be waiting.


敬老の日カード作りCard for grandparents

In Japan, 21st of September is the day to Respect the Elder. As such, today's craft is to make a card for the grandparents. We planned to take a picture of the kid and mother and to paste it on the card and to decorate it with ribbons. Markers and crayons are prepared to write the message. Sad to say no one came. Next week, we will be taking a stroll to the nearby park and kids community center. We will gather at room 403 at 10 a.m. Do come and join us. If it is raining next week, then we will make the card for the grandparents.


パラシュート Parachute

Summer holiday is over. All the bigger kids have gone back to kindergarten so it is quieter at POTATO. Seems like autumn is approaching as weather is cooler nowadays. For today, we used toilet rolls, plastic bags and strings to make a parachute. For decorations, we used colored tapes and marker. Standing on top of the chair, the parachute will swirl down and it is really fun to play. Makes us feel like throwing the parachute out from the window and see it swirl down four storeys. Today, we celebrated one of the kids birthday. It so happened that her birthday falls on today. Happy Birthday. As usual, we have story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing in English. Next Wednesday, we will be having a Dance for Kids at Room 202 from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Next Thursday, POTATO will be making cards for grand parents. Do come and join us.


Earthquake Emergency Procedures

Be Prepared for Earthquakes
86 years ago, on Sep. 1, 1923, the great Kanto earthquake occurred and over 30,000 people became victims in Kanagawa. Today, Sep. 1 is designated as Disaster Prevention Day to remind all of us to be prepared for any disaster.

For example, it is very important to have a stock of food and water enough for 3 days. Learn more from the website below about what you can do to minimize the damage.

「Earthquake Emergency Procedures」
(English, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean)
(Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian)