I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't please go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/ POTATO ViVi: 中央公園で遊ぶ Chuo Park


I moved!!! I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't plase go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/


中央公園で遊ぶ Chuo Park

Today POTATO play group went to Chuo Park. We met several other foreigners with small kids at the park and invited them to POTATO play group. Hope that they will join us. The weather was kind to us and it only poured after we reached ViVi day care. The kids had a nice time climbing and playing on the slides. The smaller kids seems tired after playing for an hour so we moved to another part of the park and let them play with bubbles. After that it is lunch time and after lunch, story telling in Japanese and English. An enjoyable outing. For next week, we will be having a Halloween Party at room 403. Come in your costumes. We will be waiting.

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