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ハロウィンパーティ Halloween

Several new friends joined us today. 2 mothers from China and one mother from Korea with 2 kids. A warm welcome and do continue to join us. Halloween party today. We have Tigger, Bumble Bee, Spider Man, Snow White, Pumpkin, Pikachu and others amongst us today. The kids have a nice time putting on their costumes. We also made a ghost mask for those who are without costumes or did not want to put their costumes on. After everyone is dressed up, we went trick a treating at the ViVi Day care center. We greeted the small kids at the day care, scared a few of them to tears and got our bag of treats. As usual we also have story telling session in English and Japanese and English songs and dance. Next week, if weather permits, we will go to Shimizu park and Tomuro Kids community center. Come and join us.

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