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Hello! Hello!

Not raining this Thursday. Yippee! Pool time is on. The kids played at the small pools set up at the back of the building. They had lots of fun. One of the kid did not bring his swimming things and played in his diaper. After that, we made a telephone using string and paper cups. The kids decorated the telephone with pictures and stickers. The mum will go a distance and speak through the paper cup and it is just amazing to see the eyes of the kid light up and their lips curl up in a smile when they hear their mummy's voice. I guess to the kid, there is no one greater than mummy and daddy. As usual we have story telling and dancing and singing in English. We have a new friend joining us today from India. Welcome and do continue to join us. Today, the POTATO play group members exchanged contacts and arranged to meet each other at their houses. It is nice to see that POTATO is facilitating as a place to meet new friends. Tomorrow, we will be having a pot luck party at room 403 from 11 to 2 pm. Do come and join us. For next week, there will be pool time and we will be making toys to play in the pool. Till then, see you.

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