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Japanese Star Festival, Tanabata

Japanese Star Festival, Tanabata Festival is a Japanese tradition wherein people write their wishes on tanzaku papers (colorful, small strips of papers) and hang them on bamboo branches. Depending on regions, tanabata is celebrated on July 7th or August 7th (which is near July 7th on the lunar calendar). People decorate bamboo branches with various kinds of paper decorations and place them outside their houses. Many cities and towns hold tanabata festivals and have tanabata displays, decorating the main streets. In some regions, people light lanterns and float them on the river, or float bamboo leaves on the river. Today, we brought a bamboo branch and prepared Star Festival decorations using paper cups, colorful streamers and stars. However, as it was pouring this morning, no participants came. Next week, we will be making a toy phone. Do come and join us. Also next Friday, July 10th, there will be a pot luck party from 11 to 2 pm. All POTATO members are invited. Bring a dish and come.

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