I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't please go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/ POTATO ViVi: 12月 2009


I moved!!! I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't plase go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/


クリスマス飾り Christmas Decorations

Time flies. Can't believe that it is already December. Today's craft is a Christmas tree. The kids will decorate the Christmas tree with marker and the using a crunched up piece of aluminium foil as the background, the picture is pasted on a colored construction paper photo frame. The kids will use stickers, pre-cut stars and markers to decorate the photo frame. Also using origami paper, stars are made and if you stick 3 of the stars together, you will get a three dimensional star. One of the kid turned 5 so we celebrated her birthday today too. There will be a pot luck Christmas party on 18th of December at 11:00 a.m at room 403 with Japanese class members. All POTATO members are invited. Also the next POTATO gathering will be on 14th of January. See you then and till then here's wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Japanese Class

