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仮装してみました。Halloween Party

Halloween is just around the corner. Today, we have Tigger, Honeybee, Snow White, Pumpkin, Red Indian, and others joining us at the party. The kids look so adorable in their costumes. For crafts, the kids each made a Trick or Treat bag using printed paper and black string and at the end of the day, the kids lined up and were given treats. A totally enjoyable day. As usual, we also have story telling in English and Japanese and dancing and singing in English. Next week, we will be having a stroll and collecting autumn leaves. Meet us at room 403 at 10 a.m. See you next week.


POTATO Schedule

Schedule for November 2009 to January 2010 is up. There will be no gathering from Dec 10 to Jan 7.



かぼちゃの折り紙とおばけ Halloween Crafts

Halloween crafts today. Using colored paper, we folded a pumpkin, ghost and witch. Using markers, we drew on the faces. Today, we also have a new friends from China joining us. Most of the kids that came today are around 1 year old so origami, folding paper crafts are still too difficult for them. The mothers though had fun making the crafts and the kids helped with drawing on the faces. While the mothers were making the crafts, the kids played at the room next door. As usual we have story telling in Japanese and English and also singing and dancing to English songs. Next week is our Halloween party. If you have any costumes, do bring them along. We will also have some costumes prepared here so do come and let's dress up. See you next week.


お散歩 Stroll


Nice autumn weather today. We took a stroll to the Shimizu Park and Tomuro Kids Community Center. As we walked, we could smell the fragrant olives, small orange flowers which is in bloom at the moment. Also persimons are ripe and in season. First we dropped by the Shimizu park and played for a while and progressed to the Tomuro Kids Community Center. There are lots of kids and toys at the Kids Community Center and everyone played together. An enjoyable day.  Next week we will be making Halloween crafts. Come and join us.


マラカス製作 Maracas

Typhoon in Kanagawa area this morning. As a result some of the kindergarten is closed and thus some of the older kids came to POTATO play group today. First using empty bottles and putting small beads and red beans inside, we made maracas. Colored tapes, stickers and colored paper are used to decorate the bottles. The kids were very involved and made very colorful maracas. As we are making musical instruments today, we also prepared handbells and the older kids used the handbells and played various songs like 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and others with it. As usual, story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing in English. Yet, another enjoyable day.  Next week, we will be going for a walk. Meet at 403 at 10 a.m. If it rains, we will play at room 403. See you next week.


小麦粉粘土 Clay from flour

Today we have a new friend from Peru. Using flour, oil and food coloring mixed with water, we made clay. Pink, green and yellow clay. Clay made from flour is safe even for small kids who might accidentally put it in their mouth. Playing with clay can also trigger the imagination of kids. Today, we made snow man, snails, butterfly, star, heart, moon, little girl, snake and others. It was lots of fun. As usual, we have story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing in English. Next week, we will be making musical instruments. Do come and join us.