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マラカス製作 Maracas

Typhoon in Kanagawa area this morning. As a result some of the kindergarten is closed and thus some of the older kids came to POTATO play group today. First using empty bottles and putting small beads and red beans inside, we made maracas. Colored tapes, stickers and colored paper are used to decorate the bottles. The kids were very involved and made very colorful maracas. As we are making musical instruments today, we also prepared handbells and the older kids used the handbells and played various songs like 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and others with it. As usual, story telling in Japanese and English and singing and dancing in English. Yet, another enjoyable day.  Next week, we will be going for a walk. Meet at 403 at 10 a.m. If it rains, we will play at room 403. See you next week.

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