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デンデンダイコ Hand Drum

Today, we have a Korean mother joining us with her daughter for the first time. POTATO group is increasing. Yippee! For crafts today, we made hand drums. First, the kids are given 2 paper plates and they are to draw on them. After that, the plates are stapled together, 2 holes punched, one at each side and small bells stringed and tied through the holes. Later, the teacher sang a song and the kids made music with the hand drum according to the rhythm of the song. For English story book session today, we read the 10 little rubber ducks by Eric Carle. The squeaking made by the rubber duck at the end of the book was a hit. Next week, if weather permits, we will go to Chuo Park. We will depart from here at 10 am and walk to the park. Bring along your lunch, we will eat at the park and dismiss from there. If it rains, the gathering will be at room 403 as usual. On October 30th, we will be having a Halloween party. Bring along costumes for the kids and join us at room 403. We will go trick a treating and get some treats.

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