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It's cloudy and chilly today. Is it going to rain? Is it not going to rain? Gloomy weather today. POTATO play group was going to take a stroll to the park, play with bubbles there and stop by the Tomuro Kids Community Center. However, sad to say, no participants came today. Hopefully the weather will be bright and sunny next week. For next week, we will have a 'Let's Sing Together' session. Do come and join us. We will be waiting.

By the way, do you know what is a Kids Community Center? It is a place that mothers with young kids can gather and play in the morning. Various toys and books are available. The opening time and location of the Kids Community Center nearest to your home can be found at the link below. For Tomuro Kids Community Center, it is open from Monday to Friday from 10 am - 12 pm for small kids.
Atsugi Kids Community Center for Young Kids Information

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