I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't please go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/ POTATO ViVi: Clay


I moved!!! I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't plase go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/



One of the kid that joins the POTATO play group will be starting kindergarten from next week. We took a group photo together and made a photo frame for her as a farewell gift. We will miss her and her mum greatly but I am sure they will join us during holiday seasons. For today, the kids played with clay. They made snowman, cars, frogs, cookies, roll cake, Mickey Mouse, strawberries, grapes, etc. It is fun to see how imaginative the kids can be. As usual, we read 2 English story books and sang to some English songs. Do come and join us next week for some more fun activities.

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