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Hand and Foot Stamping

Using different color stamp pads, the kids had a nice time imprinting their hand and foot prints on colored papers. As some of the kids hands and feet are quite large, we need to use 2 different papers, one for the hands and one for the feet. There was a baby and he could fit both his hand and foot prints on one sheet of paper. The kids also made flowers and butterflies with their finger prints and decorated their paper with crayons and colored papers. Lastly the kids wrote their name and today's date. One mother suggested laminating the prints so that it can be used as a place mat and that is what we did. As usual, we have story telling in English and dancing to English songs. Next week, we will be taking photos of the POTATO group members and making a photo frame. We will also be having a farewell for the kids that will be going to kindergarten starting April and those that will be moving back to their country. Do come and join us. We will be waiting.

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