I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't please go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/ POTATO ViVi: 風船工作 Balloons! Balloons! Balloons!


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風船工作 Balloons! Balloons! Balloons!

As it was summer holidays in Japan, kids from primary school and kindergarten joined the Potato group today. Each kid is given a balloon, markers and ribbons to decorate the balloons. One of the primary school kid is very good at drawing pictures from the Pokemon cartoon series and one of the younger kid wanted the same picture on his balloon. It is nice to see how kids can just make friends so easily regardless of race and age. After that it is pool time, lunch time and dancing time. The older kids were shy and did not want to join in the singing and dancing but the younger kids had a nice time singing and dancing to their favourite Hokey Pokey song. Next Thursday is Pancake Party. Japanese, Indian and American pancakes. We will be waiting.

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