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プール遊び Pool time

A new friend from India joined us today. Potato group is increasing again. One of the mother asked....who pays for this group to exist? True! Nothing is free in this world. No fee is collected from the mothers and kids so who pays for it? Well, our tax money pays for it actually. Atsugi city has funds allocated to assist mothers with child care and that fund actually subsidies Potato group so lucky us. Pool time today but is it too cold to play in the pool? It is not raining but the wind is kind of chilly. However, so as not to dissapoint the kids, we brought out a tiny pool and filled it up with warm water. Initially the kids were wary about entering into the water but they soon warmed up and enjoyed themselves. Before going down to the pool, we had story telling in Japanese and English and also danced to the Hokey Pokey dance. Ever had problems with what medicine to use in Japan? Today, we introduced various over the counter medicines in Japan. For example, what to use when you get bitten by insect, what to use to reduce fever, etc. Our homework for this week is to come up with a document so that it is easier for foreigners to buy medicines at the drug store. Next Thursday is pool time and playing with newspaper. Tomorrow's pot luck party is also on at 11am. We will be waiting.

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