I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't please go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/ POTATO ViVi: ペーパープリンセス Paper princess and paper hero


I moved!!! I moved to a new place. Your browser should automatically take you there in 10 seconds. If it doesn't plase go to http://potatovivi.wordpress.com/


ペーパープリンセス Paper princess and paper hero


Dress up time today! Using newspapers, toilet papers, paper ribbons and colored tape the kids are dressed up as princesses and heroes. They paraded around the room and asked to be carried in front of the mirror so that they can look at themselves. For pool time, Potato group kids played together with the ViVi day care kids. Some of the kids were nervous to meet other kids and did not want to join in but on the other hand, some of the kids just jumped in and started splashing everyone. Some of the ViVi day care kids noticed that one of the Potato group kids is Indian and started making a conversation asking "Are you Indian?". It was good exposure for both the Potato group kids and also the Japanese kids to mix and play together. After lunch, the Korean mothers exchanged information about what books to use to teach their kids Korean and English language. Potato group has been existing for nearly 2 months and we asked the mothers about how they feel towards the group. We will soon put up a column - "Voices of the Mothers" so watch out for it. Ever tried making clay from flour? Why not come and join us next Thursday and try it out.

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